
LRSurfing is the right spot for all of those passionate about surfing, meteorology and arts in general, since 2010.

The main goal of this project is to provide info about surfing and forecast both in Sardinia and Ireland while trying to create a bridge between these two so different islands having so much in common.

In the Weather section you're gonna find two tabbers collecting the links to the best weather forecast and analysis tools for the determination of the Meteo-conditions in Sardinia and Ireland.

In the Surf section a tabber reports the latest news on surfing, important info about surfing and spots in Sardinia and Ireland. Finally a tab dedicated to the Surf-Art in general.

In the About section two tabbers report informaiton about the LRSurfing project, and the contacts. Any comment or consideration will be very welcome at the e-mail address indicated.

Finally the Locals area is dedicated to the LRSurfing team, a group of friend that growed up sharing countless adventures and the same passion for surfing and travelling. Here you'll find athlete tabs and secret spots!?!

Buon viaggio, Roger.



La casella di e-mail sottoindicata è adibita all'invio di commenti, domande, risposte, foto, video, critiche (meglio se costruttive) e quant'altro possa dare spunto a migliorare il sito in oggetto.